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The change due to metamorphosis in Na^+ flux across the skin of Rana catesbeiana was examined by Ussing's method using the isolated skin. The results were compared with the flux of an aquatic frog, Xenopus laevis. Seasonal variation and the effect of some inhibitors on the flux were also examined. In the immature tadpole of Rana catesbeiana, Na^+ flux varied remarkably among individuals and was ofter greater than that in the adult frog. The influx, however, was almost equal to the circuit current (SCC). Contrary to its effect on the adult frong skin, ouabain increased Na^+ influx across the immature tadpole skin by about 30%, and KCN also showed a tendency to enhance the influx across the immature tadpole skin. Although Na^+ influx was 50% smaller in winter than in summer, Na^+ net flux coincided well with the value expected from the observed SCC in both seasons. Ouabain inhibition on the influx across the adult frog skin was weaker in winter than in summer. In Xenopus laevis, Na^+ flux across the adult skin was lower than that in Rana catesbeiana, and no correlation between the flux and SCC was found. Inhibition by ouabain on the influx across the Xenopus laevis skin was not so remarkable and was almost to the same extent with the inhibition of influx in winter observed with the adult skin of Rana catesbeiana. Notwithstanding its low Na^+ flux, the epidermal Na, K-ATPase activity was highest in the Xenopus laevis skin among all the skins examined.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1972-06-25
川田 純
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokushima
川田 純
小原 要
倉田 宗司
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