- 論文の詳細を見る
Lake Suwa (36°03'N, 130°05'E, with the altitude of 759m and the maximum depth of 6.5m) is an eutrophic lake in the central Japan. In the standing crop of zoobenthos of the lake the larvae of Spaniotoma akamusi can be comparable to those of Chironomus plumosus, the dominat species. The monthly surveys of the standing crop of Spaniotoma larvae at the five points (2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.5m of water depth) in the lake made by means of Ekman-Birge bottom sampler during 1967-1969 showed that the larvae were not collected from the middle of May to lake September (Fig. 1). During this period emergence of the species was not observed (the emergence of the species occures only in late-autumn). In order to trace the Spaniotoma larvae, mud core samples with the length of approximately 70cm were taken in March, May and June. It was demonstrated that the Spaniotoma larvae inhabited mud layers between 20 to 70cm (most of them were found in the mud layer of 40-50cm) in the middle of May and June (Table 1). The burrowing of the larvae into the deeper mud layer and their reappearance in the mud surface may occure in correspondence with the rising and falling of the bottom water temperature up and down to 15 and 18℃, respectively (Fig. 1 and Table 2). Judging from empty alimentary canal they seemed to be in an inactive condition during summer season. For the estimation of the standing crop of such a species as Spaniotoma akamusi some consideration to select a suitable bottom sampler is needed.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1970-03-15
- 諏訪湖のオオユスリカ幼虫の浮泳活動
- 諏訪湖のアカムシユスリカ幼虫の夏季における底泥深部への掘潜現象について
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- サクラマス稚魚の社会順位と性の関係(生態学・行動学)
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- 諏訪湖の溶存酸素とMicrocystisの大発生の生態学的研究-I. : 溶存酸素の水平分布と風によるMicrocystisの移動の関係
- 魚における複合刺激による条件制止(狭義)(生理)
- 諏訪湖の溶存酸素とMicrocystisの大発生の生態学的研究-II. : 網イケス養鯉とそのMicrocystisの大発生時における溶存酸素の分布におよぼす影響
- グッピーの求愛行動と社会順位 I(行動・生態学)
- 魚類の集団条件反射の研究III. : 群れ性魚コガネアジの集団条件反射(行動・生態学)
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- 魚類の群れ(school)における個体関係I. : コガネアジ(Caranx speciosus)の群れ(行動・心理学)
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