諏訪湖の溶存酸素とMicrocystisの大発生の生態学的研究-I. : 溶存酸素の水平分布と風によるMicrocystisの移動の関係
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During the bloom season of Microcystis in Lake Suwa, the horizontal distribution of dissolved oxygen in surface waters was studied in relation to the drifting of the alga by winds. The studies demonstrated that dissolved oxygen in the lake increased from the windward to the leeward with concominant increases in the density of drifting Microcystis and pH values: oxygen was markedly undersaturated on the windward (less than 50% saturation), but extremely supersaturated on the leeward (more than 250% saturation). Cell numbers of Microcystis reached 2.8×108/ml at areas of highest density.
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- 諏訪湖の溶存酸素とMicrocystisの大発生の生態学的研究-I. : 溶存酸素の水平分布と風によるMicrocystisの移動の関係
- 諏訪湖の溶存酸素とMicrocystisの大発生の生態学的研究-II. : 網イケス養鯉とそのMicrocystisの大発生時における溶存酸素の分布におよぼす影響
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