- 論文の詳細を見る
Two kinds of supernumerary limbs were obtained following the transplantation of limb-bud at the site just anterior to the hind-limb in larvae of Hynobius. The one kind (ST-limb) was intimately associated with the transplanted fore-limb, and the other kind (SN-limb) was closely linked with the normal hind-limb (USUI, 1967). The present experiments were performed with the purpose of knowing the material contribution of the transplant to these supernumerary limbs by transplanting ^3H-labeled limb-bud. The results showed that the labeled material was seen in most of the supernumerary limbs, ST- as well as SN-limbs, as if the material from transplants contribiuted to the formation of supernumerary limbs of both kinds (Table 1). However, the supernumerary limbs induced by the transplantation of labeled Bufo limb-bud in Hynobius were found to be also labeled, notwithstanding that they were clearly formed of the host cells (Table 2). It can not be concluded, therefore, that all the labeled supernumerary limbs are formed with a contribution of the material originated from the transplants. From one to three days after the transplantation, many labeled granules, which seemed to be originated from the decomposed labeled nuclei of the transplant cells, were found on the border between the host tissue and the transplant. This fact suggested the possibility that the labeled DNA precursor released by the lysis of cells of the transplant might be reutilized by the host cells forming supernumerary limbs. Autoradiographic method did not seem to be suitable for the study of such problem as the material origin of the supernumerary limbs, the formation of which is not recognizable until many days after the transplantion.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1970-03-15
- サンショウウオ幼生にみられる指間突起の異属間誘導(続) : 肢芽中胚葉と外胚葉の相互作用と, 外胚葉の反応性の変化
- 両生類の肢芽解離中胚葉細胞再集合による肢分化(発生)
- 両生類幼生の異属間キメラ肢形成に対する表皮の反応性(発生)
- サンショウウオ幼生にみられる指間突起の異属間誘導
- サンショウウオ後肢直前位置への肢移植により生じた過剰肢材料の由来に関するオートラジオグラフィーによる研究
- 指間突起の有尾類異属間誘導について(発生)
- 両生類における異目間移植による誘導肢の側性に関する実験
- カエル尾芽期幼生へのサンショウウオ前肢芽移植による重複肢形成(実験形態・発生)
- 両生類異目間肢移植による誘導肢の側性について(実験形態・発生)
- イモリ幼生へのヒキガエル肢芽移植によって生じた誘導肢の側性
- 両生類幼生の肢の'基部再生'肢の生成様式について(発生・実験形態)
- 員各位に謹告
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- 日本動物学会第40回大会記事
- 有尾両生類後肢直前位置で得られる二種の過剰肢の材料の由来(形態・内分泌)
- サンショウウオ幼生後肢直前位置における2種の過剰肢(実験形態)
- サンショウウオ幼生側腹の反覆加傷による過剰肢形成(発生・実験形態)
- 有尾兩棲類の頭部における重複肢形式(實驗形態発生)
- 列生肢の側性と分化型(實驗形態・發生)
- 内臟逆位の形成と内胚葉
- 永野爲武著, 理論生物學論叢, A5版, 285頁, 3.00圓, 昭和書房, 昭和18年2月刊
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- 山椒魚肢後方への蝌蚪肢の移植
- 山椒魚幼生の指間突起の生成機構 : 特に他種所属器官の誘導に就て(豫報)
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- ゾウリムシの無核片の接着友應
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- 肢の誘導と軸勾配
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- 有尾兩棲類平衡桿の位置に於ける無尾類吸着盤の誘導(實驗形態學)
- 肢の再生に際しての細胞の交互作用(實驗形態學)
- 動物心理學會談話會生る
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