ミンク(Mustela vison)4突然変異系統における染色体研究
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In response to the need for expansion of cytogenetic knowledge by modern techniques, a chromosome survey has been going on in various kinds of animals in the Makino Laboratory. This work was undertaken as a part of cytogenetic investigations of several mutant strains of the mink (Mustela vison). The present paper reports the chromosomes of four different strains with the following coat colors, Sapphire, Pastel, Platinum and Violet. Based on the breeding records made by Shiota it was recognized that those animals were homozygous for respective coat colours. Chromosome analyses were made exclusively on bone marrow cells. Out of 24 individuals examined, 15 were available for chromosomal study, while the remaining 9 were not used for observation due to poor technical quality or to a very small number of dividing cells. The coromosome counts were made in 248 metaphases. It was revealed that there was no significant variation of the chromosomes both numerically and morphologically among four mutant strains here dealt with. It was shown that the majority of the metaphases studied had 2n, 30 chromosomes. This 2n number is in fair agreement with that reported by Lande (1957), Humphry and Spencer (1959), Shiota and Sasaki (1962) and Nes (1962). The X chromosome was recognized as one of the smaller submetacentrics indistinguishable from no.11. The Y was represented by the smallest submetacentric chromosome. No.2 and no.8 chromosomes were very remarkable by having a secondary constriction on their long arms.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1968-12-15
伊藤 正博
佐々木 本道
伊藤 正博
伊藤 正博
榛葉 八郎
塩田 義蔵
榛葉 八郎
榛葉 八郎
佐々木 本道
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