Comparison of Type and Frequency of Chromosome Aberrations by Conventional and G-staining Methods in Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivors
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Somatic chromosomes derived from lymphocytes of 23 Hiroshima A-bomb survivors were analyzed to determine the type and frequency of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations, using both the ordinary staining method (O-method) and the trypsin G-banding method (G-method). Of 896 cells examined, 342 had aberrations, including 31 unidentifiable cells even by the G-method. The number of aberrations detected was 376 in 311 cells. The majority of them were intra- or inter-chromosomal symmetric exchanges, while only 24 were found to be asymmetric exchanges (dicentrics, rings and interstitial deletions). Further, 28 aberrations included acentric fragments and terminal deletions, and the remaining 36 were complex intra-and inter-chromosomal exchanges showing insertions and double translocations. An analysis of the same metaphases examined by sequential O- and G-methods was carried out independently on 361 aberrations.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
祖父尼 俊雄
阿波 章夫
阿波 章夫
大滝 一夫
榛葉 八郎
榛葉 八郎
阿波 章夫
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