An Extension of 4G Mobile Networks towards the Ubiquitous Real Space(<Special Section>Mobile Multimedia Communications)
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While mobile networks have been enhanced to support a variety of mobile multimedia services such as video telephony and rich data content delivery, a new challenge is being created by the remarkable development of micro-device technologies such as micro processor-chips, sensors, and RF tags. These developments suggest the rapid emergence of the ubiquitous computing environment; computers supporting human life without imposing any stress on the users. The combination of broadband global networks and ubiquitous computing environment will lead to an entirely new class of services, which we call ubiquitous networking services. This paper discusses how to create ubiquitous service environments comparing global networking approaches which are based on fixed and mobile networks. It is shown that the mobile approach is better from service applicability and reliability viewpoints. Networking architecture is proposed which expand 4G mobile cellular networks to real space via gateways on the edges of the mobile network (i.e. mobile terminals). A new set of technical requirements will emerge via this approach, which may accelerate the paradigm shift from the current mobile network architecture and even from the Internet of today.
- 2005-07-01
小舘 克之
小舘 亮之
小舘 亮之
Takita Wataru
Research Laboratories Ntt Docomo Inc. Yokosuka Research Park (yrp)
Takita Wataru
Ntt Docomo Inc.
IMAI Kazuo
NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
KANO Sadahiko
Waseda University
KODATE Akihisa
Waseda University
小舘 亮之
Imai Kazuo
Ntt Docomo Inc.
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