Impedance Characteristic Analysis of an Axial Slot Antenna on a Sectoral Cylindrical Cavity Excited by a Probe Using Method of Moments(<Special Issue>Special Section on Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC 2002)
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This paper presents the analysis of the impedance characteristics of a sectoral cylindrical cavity-backed axial slot antenna excited by a probe. The integral equations are derived based on boundary conditions of the proposed structure and they are expressed in terms of dyadic Green functions and unknown current densities. The dyadic Green functions are obtained by using the eigenfunction expansion method together with application of scattering superposition techniques. The unknown current densities are solved by the Method of Moments. The input impedance is subsequently determined from the unknown electric current density at the probe. Numerical results of input impedance and return loss are demonstrated as functions of frequency for various parameters such as cavity length, cavity radius ratio, slot location in φ direction, slot length and probe length. Calculated results are validated by the measurements. At the operating frequency, it is found that the result is sufficiently accurate. The results from this study are very useful for the design of a sectoral cylindrical cavity-backed axial slot array antenna excited by a probe with omnidirectional beam radiation.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2003-06-01
Phongcharoenpanich Chuwong
The Faculty Of Engineering And Research Center For Communications And Information Technology King Mo
Phongcharoenpanich Chuwong
Faculty Of Engineering And Research Center For Communications And Information Technology King Mongku
Phongcharoenpanich Chuwong
Faculty Of Engineering & Research Center For Communications And Information Technology King Mong
TAKADA Jun-ichi
Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Takada J
Tokyo Inst. Of Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Takada J
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takada J
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Takada Jun-ichi
Department Of International Development Engineering Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo
Faculty of Engineering & Research Center for Communications and Information Technology, King Mongkut
Faculty of Engineering and Research Center for Communications and Information Technology, King Mongk
Wongsan Rangsan
Faculty Of Engineering And Research Center For Communications And Information Technology King Mongku
Krairiksh M
Faculty Of Engineering And Research Center For Communications And Information Technology King Mongku
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- Applicability of Insensitive Properties of Measured Equation of Invariance Coefficients for Modified Scattering Objects
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