Analyses of Virtual Path Bandwidth Control Effects in ATM Networks
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This paper presents a newly developed analytical method which evaluates the virtual path bandwidth control effects for a general topology ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) transport network. The virtual path concept can enhance the controllability of path bandwidth. Required link capacity to attain a specified call blocking probability can be reduced by applying virtual path bandwidth control. This paper proposes an analytical method to evaluate the call blocking probability of a general topology ATM network, which includes many virtual paths, that is using virtual path bandwidth control. A method for the designing link capacities of the network is also proposed. These methods make it possible to design an optimum transport network with path bandwidth control. Finally, a newly developed approximation technique is used to develop some analytical results on the effects of dynamic path bandwidth control are provided to demonstrate its effectiveness.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1995-06-25
Sato K
Advanced Mobile Telecommunication Technology Inc.
Sato K
Ntt Network Innovation Laboratories
Sato K
Ykc Corp. Musashimurayama‐shi Jpn
SATO Ken-ichi
NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories
Hadama Hisaya
NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories
Tokizawa Ikuo
NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories
Hadama H
Ntt Telecommunication Network Lab. Group Tokyo Jpn
Tokizawa I
Ntt Optical Network Systems Lab. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
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