1.4GHz Natural Air-Cooling GaAs Standard Cell LSIs for 10 Gbit/s Optical Communication Systems (Special Issue on Ultra-High-Speed LSIs)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Six chips of the GaAs standard cell LSIs have been developed for a synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) interface unit in 10 Gbit/s optical communication systems. Two of them are the frame termination LSIs for SDH, and four are the byte multiplexing and demultiplexing LSIs. The LSI configuration with a careful thermal design were needed to realize a natural air-cooling operation. As a result, the unit was composed of eight chips with six kind of LSIs and these LSIs consist of 1 K to 3 K gates. The LSIs were designed with the standard cell libraries based on 0.5 μm gate DCFL (Direct Coupled FET Logic) operating at a low power supply voltage of 1.5 V. The propagation delay time of standard DCFL inverter was 25 ps with a power consumption of 0.45 mW in the experimental results. The LSI design methodology using these libraries were discussed to achieve the data processing of 1.25 Gbit/s signals under a natural air-cooling condition. The maximum operating speeds of them were at least 1.4 GHz and the power consumptions were as low as under 1.8 W, which resulted in fully high speed operations under a natural air-cooling condition at an ambient temperature of 100℃.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-04-25
Ogawa Y
Riken Wako‐shi Jpn
Seki S
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
OGAWA Yasunori
Semiconductoe Technology Laboratories, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd
IKEMURA Kuniichi
Transmission Systems Division, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd
SEKI Shouhei
Semiconductoe Technology Laboratories, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd
Ikemura Kuniichi
Transmission Systems Division Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd
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