Polarization Insensitive Electroabsorption Modulators for High-Speed Optical Gating (Special Issue On Devices, Packaging Technology, and Subsystems for the Optical Access Network)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Polarization insensitive discrete electroabsorption modulators have been designed as an optical gating device. It reveals the first finding, to our knowledge, that the ratio of the optical confinement factor (Γ) to the differential of the values (ΔΓ) between TE and TM polarized lights decides polarization dependence of attenuation. The ratio ΔΓ/Γ is significantly reduced by increasing core thickness. Large optical confinement structures combining a thick InGaAsP bulk absorption layer and polyimide-buried mesa-ridge waveguide have fabricated. The ratio ΔΓ/Γ of the high-mesa structure was estimated to be less than 0.05 in the gain-region of an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), which enable us extremely low polarization sensitivity less than 1dB up to 20dB extinction. Proper waveguide length of the structure allowed low insertion loss (lt9.3dB), small-loss-change (lt1.8dB) and sufficient modulation depth (gt30dB) simultaneously in the EDFA's gain region. The low-mesa structure provided low insertion loss around 7dB with small deviation in the wavelength region. High modulation band-width and a polarization-insensitive optical gating waveform have also demonstrated.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1997-01-25
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
MURAI Hitoshi
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
KUNII Tatsuo
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Ogawa Y
Riken Wako‐shi Jpn
Kunii Tetsuo
High Frequency & Optical Semiconductor Division Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Murai Hitoshi
Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.
Yamada K
Microsystem Integration Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Nakamura Koji
Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.
Yamada Koji
Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.
- Channel Characteristics and Performance of MIMO E-SDM Systems in an Indoor Time-Varying Fading Environment
- 隣接光パルス間位相を安定化した80Gbit/s RZ/CS-RZ OTDM多重回路
- B-10-96 位相変調OTDM信号の伝送におけるチャネル間位相の影響(B-10.光通信システムB(光通信),一般セッション)
- TDMチャネル間の位相差が位相変調信号の伝送品質に与える影響(コア・メトロシステム,フォトニックネットワーク・システム,光ネットワーク運用管理,光ネットワーク設計,トラヒックエンジニアリング,シグナリング,GMPLS,ドメイン間経路制御,ネットワーク監視,イーサネット,光伝達網(OTN),高速インタフェース,光制御(波長変換・スイッチング・ルーチング),光ノード技術,光クロスコネクト(OXC),光分岐挿入多重(OADM),光多重・分離装置,光信号処理,光スイッチ素子,一般)
- Waveguide-Integrated Si Nano-Photodiode with Surface-Plasmon Antenna and its Application to On-chip Optical Clock Distribution
- A Study on the Design and Properties of an SiON/SiO_2 Waveguide : The Effect of the Substrate on Propagation Loss
- A 100 W S-Band AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure FET for Base Stations of Wireless Personal Communications (Special Issue on High-Frequency/speed Devices in the 21st Century)
- 光位相同期回路を用いた40Gb/s-BPSK信号の復調実験(超高速伝送・変復調・分散補償技術,超高速光信号処理技術,広帯域光増幅・WDM技術,受光デバイス,高光出力伝送技術,一般(ECOC報告))
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- 隣接光パルス間位相を安定化した80Gbit/s RZ/CS-RZ OTDM多重回路(マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)
- 隣接光パルス間位相を安定化した80 Gbit/s RZ/CS-RZ OTDM多重回路(マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)
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- Spectral responsivity of Ge pin photodiodes on silicon-on-insulator via selective epitaxial growth (光エレクトロニクス)
- Polarization splitter and rotator for polarization diversity system in silicon-based micro-photonic circuits (光エレクトロニクス)
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- Effect of Post-Growth Annealing on Morphology of Ge Mesa Selectively Grown on Si
- LSI On-Chip Optical Interconnection with Si Nano-Photonics
- B-10-28 160Gbit/s RZ/CS-RZ OTDM多重回路における隣接光パルス間位相の安定化(B-10.光通信システムB(光通信方式,光通信機器,デバイスのシステム応用,光通信網・規格),一般セッション)
- A Yearlong Performance of Satellite Broadcasting Receiving Systems
- An LMS Adaptive Array for Multipath-Fading Reduction
- An LMS Adaptive Array Using a Pilot Signal
- Upper Bound of a Loop Gain in a Power Inversion Adaptive Array
- An Analog Open-Loop Adaptive-Array Antenna System
- Integrated Tunable DBR Laser with EA-Modulator Grown by Selective Area MOVPE (Special Issue On Devices, Packaging Technology, and Subsystems for the Optical Access Network)
- Polarization Insensitive Electroabsorption Modulators for High-Speed Optical Gating (Special Issue On Devices, Packaging Technology, and Subsystems for the Optical Access Network)
- 3.長距離・超高速光通信向け光処理技術(次世代フォトニックネットワークの実現に向けた研究開発の最新動向)
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- Performance Evaluation of MIMO-UWB Systems Using Measured Propagation Data and Proposal of Timing Control Scheme in LOS Environments
- Performance Evaluation of Multiuser MIMO E-SDM Systems in Time-Varying Fading Environments
- Subblock Processing for Frequency-Domain Turbo Equalization under Fast Fading Environments
- Precise DOA Estimation Using SAGE Algorithm with a Cylindrical Array
- Soft Decision Directed Channel Estimation with Interference Cancellation for a MIMO System Using Iterative Equalization and Decoding
- Performance of MIMO E-SDM Systems Using Channel Prediction in Actual Time-Varying Indoor Fading Environments
- Measurement-Based Performance Evaluation of Coded MIMO-OFDM Spatial Multiplexing with MMSE Spatial Filtering in an Indoor Line-of-Sight Environment
- Studies on an Iterative Frequency Domain Channel Estimation Technique for MIMO-UWB Communications
- Subblock processing in MMSE-FDE under fast fading environments
- Measurement-Based Performance Evaluation of MIMO Spatial Multiplexing in a Multipath-Rich Indoor Environment
- Arrangement of Scattering Points in Jakes' Model for i.i.d. Time-Varying MIMO Fading
- Pseudo Eigenbeam-Space Division Multiplexing (PE-SDM) in Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels
- MIMO E-SDM Transmission Performance in an Actual Indoor Environment
- Channel Extrapolation Techniques for E-SDM System in Time-Varying Fading Environments(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- B-5-76 Channel Prediction for an E-SDM System in Time-Varying Fading Environments
- B-5-24 Compensation of Time-variant Fading Channel Error for E-SDM in a TDD System
- Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Coherent Signals Using a Cylindrical Array(Antennas and Propagation)
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- B-10-107 100Gb/sイーサネットを効率的に運ぶ広域光ネットワーキング実験(B-10.光通信システムB(光通信方式,光通信機器,デバイスのシステム応用,光通信網・規格),一般セッション)
- B-10-84 対称・反射構造型連続PMDベクトル発生器(B-10.光通信システムB(光通信方式,光通信機器,デバイスのシステム応用,光通信網・規格),一般セッション)
- B-10-83 ビットレート可変遅延干渉計の安定化 : 40Gbit/sでのDPSK復調特性(B-10.光通信システムB(光通信方式,光通信機器,デバイスのシステム応用,光通信網・規格),一般セッション)
- Monolithic Integration of a Silica-Based Arrayed Waveguide Grating Filter and Silicon Variable Optical Attenuators Based on p--i--n Carrier-Injection Structure
- Fast Optical Power Stabilization using a Germanium Photodiode and a Silicon Variable Optical Attenuator Integrated on a Silicon Photonic Platform
- Optical Feedback-Tolerant Gain-Coupled DFB Lasers for Isolator-Free Modules in the Access Networks
- Fast optical power stabilization using a germanium photodiode and a silicon variable optical attenuator integrated on a silicon photonic platform (レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス)
- Fast optical power stabilization using a germanium photodiode and a silicon variable optical attenuator integrated on a silicon photonic platform (光エレクトロニクス)
- Fast optical power stabilization using a germanium photodiode and a silicon variable optical attenuator integrated on a silicon photonic platform (フォトニックネットワーク)
- 500GHz Optical Pulse Generation from a Short-Cavity GRIN-SCH-MQW Mode-Locked Laser Diode
- Stabilization and Timing Jitter Reduction of 160 GHz Colliding-Pulse Mode-Locked Laser Diode by Subharmonic-Frequency Optical Pulse Injection(Special Issue on Advanced Optical Devices for Next Generation Photonic Networks)
- 1.4GHz Natural Air-Cooling GaAs Standard Cell LSIs for 10 Gbit/s Optical Communication Systems (Special Issue on Ultra-High-Speed LSIs)
- A Superresolution Technique for Antenna Pattern Measurements (Special Issue on 1992 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation)
- Antenna Gain Measurements in the Presence of Unwanted Multipath Signals Using a Superresolution Technique
- 高非線形光ファイバによる光サンプリングを用いた光信号波形観測の検討
- B-10-77 光フィルタを用いた41.25 Gbit/s DPSK復調器の安定化(B-10. 光通信システムB(光通信方式,光通信機器,デバイスのシステム応用,光通信網・規格),一般セッション)
- 隣接光パルス間位相を安定化した160 Gbit/s RZ/CS-RZ OTDM多重回路(コア・メトロシステム,フォトニックネットワーク・システム,光ネットワーク運用管理,光ネットワーク設計,トラヒックエンジニアリング,シグナリング,GMPLS,ドメイン間経路制御,ネットワーク監視,イーサネット,光伝達網(OTN),高速インタフェース,光制御(波長変換・スイッチング・ルーチング),光ノード技術,光クロスコネクト(OXC),光分岐挿入多重(OADM),光多重・分離装置,光信号処理,光スイッチ素子,一般)
- 波長分解ストークスベクトルの解析によるインサービス光信号品質劣化要因分離(コア・メトロシステム,フォトニックネットワーク・システム,光ネットワーク運用管理,光ネットワーク設計,トラヒックエンジニアリング,シグナリング,GMPLS,ドメイン間経路制御,ネットワーク監視,イーサネット,光伝達網(OTN),高速インタフェース,光制御(波長変換・スイッチング・ルーチング),光ノード技術,光クロスコネクト(OXC),光分岐挿入多重(OADM),光多重・分離装置,光信号処理,光スイッチ素子,一般)
- 全光3R再生中継による160Gb/s 5000km超エラーフリー伝送実験(超高速伝送・変復調・分散補償技術,超高速光信号処理技術,広帯域光増幅・WDM技術,受光デバイス,高光出力伝送技術,一般,(ECOC報告))
- 全光3R再生中継による160Gb/s 5000km超エラーフリー伝送実験(超高速伝送・変復調・分散補償技術,超高速光信号処理技術,広帯域光増幅・WDM技術,受光デバイス,高光出力伝送技術,一般,(ECOC報告))
- 全光3R再生中継による160Gb/s 5000km超エラーフリー伝送実験(超高速伝送・変復調・分散補償技術,超高速光信号処理技術,広帯域光増幅・WDM技術,受光デバイス,高光出力伝送技術,一般,(ECOC報告))
- Double-Pass EA Modulator Array Monolithically Integrated with Passive-Waveguide(Special Issue on High-Capacity WDM/TDM Networks)
- マルチフォーマット全光信号再生技術
- C-3-7 PMD連結ルールを適用した連続1次PMD発生技術(C-3.光エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)
- 高非線形光ファイバを用いた光サンプリングによる波形観測
- Phase Demodulation of DPSK Signals Using Dual-Bus Coupled Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator
- Integration of Silicon Nano-Photonic Devices for Telecommunications
- チャープ型PPLNを用いた光サンプリングによる波形観測
- Performance Evaluation of a Multi-User MIMO System With Prediction of Time-Varying Indoor Channels
- 40Gbit/s光DQPSK復調器の安定化
- CI-1-7 対称・反射構造型連続可変PMDベクトル発生技術(CI-1.偏波多重伝送用導波路デバイスにおける偏波制御技術,依頼シンポジウム,ソサイエティ企画)
- 40Gbit/s光DQPSK復調器の安定化(マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)
- 40Gbit/s光DQPSK復調器の安定化(マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)
- 40Gbit/s光DQPSK復調器の安定化(マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)
- 40Gbit/s光DQPSK復調器の安定化(マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)