MXQ (MaXimal Queuing) : A Network Mechanism for Controlling Misbehaving Flows in Best Effort Networks (Special Issue on High-speed Internet Technology and its Applications)
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The problems caused by misbehaving flows are becoming important issues in high-speed best effort networks. In this paper, we propose the MXQ (MaXimal Queuing) mechanism which correctly identifies and adequately penalizes misbehaving flows. Identification and penalization are the keys to controlling misbehaving flows, which is believed to be crucial for providing best effort services to a large number of residential customers at reasonable cost. The proposed mechanism consists of estimating incoming traffic at network edges and selective packet discard at network nodes. This combination realizes the identification and penalization in a correct, adequate and easy to understand way, thus maintaining the stability and efficiency of best effort networks. A number of experiments are performed on a prototype system to examine the unfairness caused by different TCP implementations, which is one type of misbehavior. The results show that the MXQ mechanism can adequately penalize the misbehaving flows, and can improve fairness, even when differently implemented TCP flows are present.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2001-05-01
Shimizu T
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
NTT Network Service Laboratories, NTT Corporation
NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
Yamasaki I
Ntt Corp. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
Nabeshima M
Ntt Corp. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
Nabeshima Masayoshi
Ntt Netwok Service Systems Laboratories
Kurimoto T
Ntt Network Service Laboratories Ntt Corporation
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