永峯秀樹抄訳『経済小学 家政要旨』とその原典との比較考察
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the original text of "Keizaishogaku Kaseiyoshi" translated by Nagamine Hideki and to compare the translation with the original text in detail so as to interpret how it was translated by Nagamine Hideki. The results are as follows: The original of "Keizaishogaku Kaseiyoshi" is Mrs. E. F. Haskell's "The Housekeeper's Encyclopedia" published in New York by D. Appleton & Co. in 1860. The original had 424 pages, and it included many areas of home life with descriptions about cooking making up more than 60%. Incorporated into "Keizaishogaku Kaseiyoshi" was no more than 40 pages or less than 10% of the original text. Abundantly translated are the chapters referring to nutrition, food, infancy, husbands, and preface. On the other hand, the original was translated less in the chapters on servants, housing, clothing, and remedies. This may be due to the translator's intention of choosing household ideologies and contents that were both desirable and practicable in early Meiji era as well as in view of the cultural differences between Japan and America of the time. It is understandable that the translator named his publication "Kaseiyoshi"(Yoshi meaning principal point).
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1996-04-15
- ハスケル夫人『主婦百科』の特質 : Shep編"Civil War Cooking"を資料として
- 2. 討論(新しい時代に家庭科はどのように貢献するか, シンポジウム記録(第27回大会))
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- 永田健助訳『百科全書 家事倹約訓』の原典研究(第1報)
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- 家政学原論事始め
- ハスケル夫人『主婦百科』とビーチャーの家政書との比較考察
- 歴史に学んで
- 永峯秀樹抄訳『経済小学 家政要旨』とその原典との比較考察
- テーマ趣旨説明(I.平成2年夏期セミナー)
- テーマ趣旨説明(I.平成元年夏期セミナー)
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- 家庭科教育構想研究事務報告 : 第2次報告を中心にして
- 「家庭科教育の本質」について
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- 戦前の女子大学昇格運動と家政学部設置をめぐる動き : 東京女高師と日本女子大学校を中心として
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