少子化が児童の発達に及ぼす影響 : 小学生の家族認識を中心に(<特集>「高齢化・小子化」)
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To characterize the effects of decreasing births, we conducted a survey on "recognition of family" by elementary school children. In the previous study in 1978, we reported developmental changes of the family recognition by the second, fourth and sixth graders (males: 291, females: 266). Seventeen years later, we are in a "decreasing birth" time. To find out what change had taken place over the 17 years, we had the children of the same grades (males: 123, females: 122) answer the same questionnaire as in 1978, i.e., asking about: 1) knowledge of their families, 2) image of their family members, 3) their share in household tasks, and 4) what they wanted their parents to do for them. The results are as follows: 1) The percentage of children who knew their parents' age significantly increased, while that of boys who knew their parents' occupation remained almost the same. 2) In having children freely associate from the words of father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and baby respectively, the rate of children who described their relationship to the given family members increased significantly except to the word, mother. 3) Children's share in household tasks qualitatively changed. Cooking and cleaning their own room increased while other tasks decreased. 4) The number of items children wanted of their parents was decreased.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1996-02-15
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