将軍の献立について : 11代将軍徳川家斉の献立にみる特色
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In this paper, I reffered to the record of the menus for the Shogun, Tokugawa Ienari, known as the Chori Sosho in oder to research into his dietary life. The first six volumes of the Chori Sosho are a record of meals served on special occations. A feature of the remaining twelve volumes is that the Shogun's dietary life includes special meals to commemorate previous ancestors and suchlike people. We can also separate the meals prepared for special occasions from those on ordiany days. The latter suggest that the Shogun's diet was simple. Fish dishes are most plentiful, then vegetable dishes, and that care is taken to avoid food poisoning. In conclusion, his diet can be said to be quite lavish and both full of variety and seasonal touches. It therefore appears that he was exempt from the laws against indulgence at the time.
- 1994-10-15
- 日本古典料理の研究(十) : 『膳部方聞書 屠蘇白散 式三献 七五三饗膳』について(上)
- たべものの文化考 : 1.江戸期の菓子についての研究 : 「御用永代要聞記」に見える菓子と宮廷生活
- 料理書に見る行事と鯨料理
- 古典料理について : 島津家の婚礼規式と饗膳
- 将軍の献立について : 11代将軍徳川家斉の献立にみる特色
- 朝鮮通信使の饗応について : 大坂における饗応
- 朝鮮通信使の饗膳
- 朝鮮通信使の饗応について : 新井白石の聘礼改変とその後の変様
- 料理書に見る鯨料理