- 論文の詳細を見る
This study purports to clarify the consumer's preference at each life stage, using the theory of "the scale of urgency" by Allen and Bowley. For that purpose, we made regression analysis using the data averaged by income quintile groups and by life stage , which we made on our first paper (Part 1).We then analyzed the coefficient of income elasticity for each items. We further analyzed the style of consumer at each life stage and each income group. The results are as follows: (1) The results of analysis on life stage: With increase of income and relative decrease of family size, luxuries changed into necessaries. At the 5th stage of family, which is called "family ripening period, "almost all living expenditures have changed into necessaries, so the 5th stage of family can be considered as the most stable stage.(2) The results of analysis on income groups are as follows: Most of the budget items tends to change from luxuries to necessaries with the increase of income. However, some items such as clothes and footwear tend to returns to luxuries rather than necessaries according to the need for goods of quality.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1992-04-15
- 高齢者のライフスタイルと生活準備
- ライフスタイル別の生活準備 : 第II報 : ライフスタイルと経済準備
- ライフスタイル別の生活準備 : 第I報 : ライフスタイルと生活意識
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- 国際家族年にむけて : 家庭経済学と「国際家族年」
- 家政学と生活科学は同じか(統一テーマ「家政学と生活科学は同じか」,1992年家政学原論部会夏期セミナー)
- 家庭経済学, 伊藤セツ, 有斐閣, 3,605円, 1990年1月発行
- 家政現象とその知識体系
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- 1.「岐路に立つ家政学」への提言と必要な視点(統一テーマ:岐路に立つ家政学-アメリカ家政学の動向と日本家政学の将来-,1995年家政学原論部会夏期セミナー)
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- ライフサイクルモデルに基づく家計分析(第1報)
- アメリカ家政学会による大学教育プログラム基準認定の歴史(第 1 報)