- 論文の詳細を見る
Measurements for determining the normal persons' threshold of audibility by air and bone conduction were made. For the calibration of sound pressure on the ear-piece (receiver), a similar apparatus to that of National Bureau of Standard's 9A Coupler was used here. All the threshold values in this paper are indicated by db unit with 0 db as one per sq. cm at each of the frequencies indicated below. The average threshold by air conduction for 50 normal ear per respective frequencies were as follows; -13. 0 at 125 c/s, -37. 2 at 250 c/s, -53. 3 at 500 c/s, -60. 8 at 1000 c/s, -60. 0 at 2000 c/s, -61. 5 at 4000 c/s, and -56. 3 at 8000 c/s. The threshold of audibility by bone conduction was measured in pressure by applying the bone conduction ear-piece (receiver) equipped with BaTio_3 ceramic element on the mastoid process. The values below represent the pressure in decibels with 0 db as one dyne. The average values for 30 normal ears were as follows: 22. 0 at 250 c/s, 18. 6 at 500 c/s, 3. 4 at 1000 c/s, -0. 7 at 2000 c/s and 11. 4 at 4000 c/s. "Normal ears" were defined in this paper as those having threshold values of within ±15db of the mean value in case of air conduction, and as those with threshold value of within ±20 db of the mean value in case of bone conduction.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1955-12-30
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