膀胱癌に対する膀胱部分切除術の臨床的ならびに病理組織学的研究 : 第3報 腫瘍部ならびにその周辺における間質反応の検討
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With the use of specimens of the urinary bladder cancer, totally or subtotally resected, the reaction of the intermediary tissue around the tumor was studied. The following results were obtained : 1) As for the reaction of the intermediary tissue, the tissue cell reaction and the fibrosis were checked. Both of these were observed in all of the totally resected specimens. In the case of the subtotally resected specimens the tissue cell reaction was negative in 14.0% and the fibrotic change in 9.3%. 2) The relation between the cancerous cell infiltration and the intermediary tissue response (cellular reaction and fibrosis) was investigated. The stage of the tissue cell reaction was higher in the case of the infiltration stage above B_1 (according to Jewett) than in the case of the infiltration degree A. In subtotally resected specimens, however, the above relationship was not clear. The fibrotic change was more increased in the case of the infiltration stage above B_1 than in degree A both in totally and subtotally resected specimens. 3) The interrelation between the morphological characteristics and the intermediary tissue response was checked. In the case of the totally removed specimens, the tissue response was strong irrespective of the degree of morphological changes of the cancer cell. In the case of the subtotally removed specimens, the tissue fibrosis was strong irrespective of the cancerous cell arrangement. As for mitosis irregularity, in size of the cells, and the destruction of the basal membrane, however, the more frequently these changes were observed, the more strongly the fibrosis of the intermediary tissue occured. 4) The response of the intermediary tissue at the distance of 1 and 2 cm from the tumor site was checked. Although there were some exceptions, the general tendency was that the degree of intermediary tissue response became slight at the distance from the tumor site increased, and at least, the intermediary tissue remained intact from the standpoint of the tissue cell reaction and the fibrosis.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1968-07-20
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