犬腎同種移植におけるα_2-globulin, γ-globulinoおよび細胞毒力価の変動 : 付. 蛍光抗体直接法によるγ-globulinoの移植腎内吸着について
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For the purpose of early serological diagnosis predicting renal allograft rejection, detektion of changes in serum α_2-globulin, serum γ-globulin and BUN, detection of cytotoxic antibodies and histological and immunopathological studies (direct immunofluorescent technique using anti-canine-γ-globulin-rat-globulin-F.I.T.C.) were performed in four groups of canine renal allografts. Group 1. Bilateral nephrectomy and renal allotransplantation. Group 2. Group 1 with immunosuppression. Group 3. Unilateral nephrectomy and renal allotransplantation, followed by graftectomy 7 days after transplantation. Group 4. Group 3 with immunosuppression. Immunosuppression was carried out with prednisolone 5 mg/kg/day and azathioprine 2 mg/kg/day. Aminobenzyl penicillin 250 mg/kg/day and methylchlorophenyl isoxazolil penicillin 250 mg/day were given for five days after the operation to prevent infection. 1. α_2-globulin increased after renal allotransplantation and the graftectomy in almost all cases. However because of possible overlapping with α_2-Acute-Phase-globulin, it seems that immediate postoperative rise of α_2-globulin level does not indicate directly acute or superacute rejection of the grafts. 2. Serum γ-globulin fraction increased with the increase of BUN or after the destruction of the grafts was completed. Significant increase of γ-globulin was observed after graftectomy in some cases. Rise of γ-globulin fraction in groups 2 and 4 was not so marked with contrast to groups 1 and 3. 3. Appearance of cytotoxic antibodies in the serum following renal allotransplantation indicated graft rejection. On the other hand, there were some cytotoxin-negative cases although histological and immunopathological studies revealed graft destruction and azotemia (cytotoxin false negative).
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