膀胱癌の染色体に関する研究 : 特に予後との関係について
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In order to establish an objective method for identifying the prognosis of the patients with carcinoma of the bladder, the author attempted to correlate chromosome analysis of the cancer cell with the prognosis of the patients. The chromosome number was examined on 25 specimens from 24 patients with bladder carcinoma. The chromosome preparations were made by the air drying technique. The number of mitoses available for the examination was 36 for each specimen on the average. Relationship between histopathology and chromosome number was examined. The results thus obtained were as follows: 1. Relationship between histological grade based on Broders' classification and the chromosome number. The grade I tumors have low mitotic figures and a narrow range of chromosome number. A wide range of chromosome number was observed in grade II, III and IV tumors. There was a relationship between histological grade and ploidy. As the grade changed from I to IV, the modal chromosome number changed gradually from the near-diploid modes to the triploid-tetraploid mode then to the triploid modes. 2. Relationship between a trial classification and chromosome number. The auther tried to classify bladder tumors into three groups on the basis of cellular atypism, structural atypism and number of mitosis. Group I: Mode is near diploid in all cases with a narrow range of chromosome number. Group II: Most cases have two modes. These are near diploid and triploid to tetraploid mode, with a wide range of chromosome number. Group III: Most cases have triploid to tetraploid mode with a wide range of chromosome number. It was interesting that a trial classification is more related to chromosome number than Broders' classification.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1976-11-20
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