- 論文の詳細を見る
I carried out the pure culture of tubercle bacillus in the urogenital tuberculosis; namely 131 cases in urines of renaltuberculosis; one case in the pus of renal tubereulesis; 3 cases in tuber culousepidydimitis. 1) I preferred Petroffs, Lownstein 8umiyschi's, and Hohns' methods as cultural methods and used Petroff's, glycerinepotato, potato-egg, Hohns, and Saponin-egg as media. 2) By Petroff's methods 34 cases were proved possitive in 35 microseopically possitive cases, and 16 cases were proved possitive in 20 microseopically negativeones. 3) Tuberele bacillus in glycerine-potato less grown than in Petroff's medium, and treatment with sed, hydrate solution was less efficient than with sulphuric asid. 4) By my researches in Hohn's methods 33 cases were proved possitive in 34 microscopically possitive cases (with exceptions of 2 cases which proved unsuccessful by animal and cultural experiments) and 26 cases were proved possitive in 36 microscopically negative ones. 5) The results of experiments carried out by various media by Hohns' methods were as follow:-in Saponin-egg 12 cases (75%), in Hohns' 50 ones (74%), in Petroffs' 16 cases (59%) and in potato-egg 16 (59%) proved positive. 6) By Hohn's methods the minimum days, in which colouies were found macroscopically were 8day's in cases of Saponin-egg; 12 days, Hohns' 13days, potato-egg; 17days. Petroff's medium; while maximum and average days are as referred to table IX. 7) Petroff's and Lowensteui-Sumiyoshi's were rather complicated than that of Hohn's methods and were apt to be contaminated and characteristic merit of far greather simplicity and efficiency of operation by Hohn's also recognizable, and days to be required for development of calony were found shorter than by any other methods. 8) Two cases of urines which were tubercle bacilli microscopically possitive, proved negative by animal and cultural test, while one cases of urines which was negative under microscopically and cultural tests brought about tuberculous change by animal. 9) The cultural tubes are desirable to use ten glasses for each case at least. 10) I recognized that tubercle bacillus is comptely sterilied by the treatment of 10% solution of HNO 3. 11) Hrom the ezperimental results mentioned above I con-ineced culture is far superior to microscopical investigation and culture is not superior to animal test, but is almost of the same value as compared with it, and it is most scrupulous to apply both methods as described above and the great characteristic of the culture is that by which an avain type is easily obtained. Culture of the bacillus must be most needful when tubercle bacillus is negative through microscope with suspicion of existence of tuberculosis from clinical diagnosis, especially in the urine of tuberculous kidney.
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