- 論文の詳細を見る
Long spacings as 29.,6 Å and 26.,6 Å are confirmed from certain clays from Japan, which have very complicated clay mineral compositions including kaolin minerals, chlorite, sepiolite and montmorillonite., Each long can be explained by a regular interstratification between two kinds of lattices selected from the following ones: montmorillonite lattice with the cell height of 15.,4 Å, a magnesian chlorite of 14.,5 Å, sepiolite with 12.,7 Å, and a new lattice of 14.,0 Å; the last is a regular interstratification of gibbsite and silicate (pyrophyllite unit) layers., This new lattice is proposed to explain the spacing and all other mineralogical properties of the clay., Thus the 29.,6 Å spacing agrees well with that of a regular mixed-layer lattice configurated by the 15.,4 Å and 14.,0 Å cells, and the 26.,6 Å spacing with a regular mixed-layer lattice by 12.,7 Å and 14.,5 Å cells., These long spacings are liable to be found in a clay in which several kinds of clay minerals co-exist, and such a complex clay tends to be found in special conditions, such as a boundary area between two different kinds of altered zones, and or an area affected by successive hydrothermal alteration.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1955-05-25
- 他分野の専門家と土質工学を語る(創立20周年記念座談会)
- 34.Suriteの結晶構造モデル
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- 球晶および関連問題の研究史 (I) : 序論, 産状
- 20.熱分析曲線の速度論的解析について
- 36.Sepioliteの結晶構造について
- 35.SepioliteのDSC測定
- 化石の歯のX線粉末写真による研究
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- 自然排出された"純粋な蓚酸カルシウム結石"の検討
- 3.宍道湖底質中の粘土鉱物について
- 多摩丘陵第三紀層の粘土鉱物(その1)
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- 33.Surite-Pb rich layer silicate-について
- 16.秋田県大巻鉱山産monothermite様粘土鉱物
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- 鉱物学の最近の問題 : 近代鉱物学的世界像(鉱物学,現代地質学のテーマ)
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