- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently we obtained many fossil specimens of Flabellum distinctum M., EDW., et H., from the Moniwa shell beds at Tutumi, Kanagase-mura, Sibata-gun, Miyagi-ken; a brief description of them is given below in comparison with the recent specimens of the same species from the Japanese seas., This is the first record of the occurrence of fossil simple corals, specifically identified, from the Moniwa shell beds., Flabellum distinctum MILNE EDWARDS et HAIME Figs., 1-5., Flabellum distinctum MILNE EDWARDS et HAIME, 1848, Monogr., d., Turbinolides, p, 262; YABE and EGUCEI, 1942, Fossil and Recent Flabellum from Japan, p., 93, Pl., V, figs., 3-6, Pl., VI., figs., 3-4, 9-10, Pl., VII, fig., 7; YABE and EGUCHI, 1942, Fossil and Recent Simple Corals from Japan, p., 131., Corallum compressed, triangular in lateral view, wedge-shaped, pointed at base, 28 mm high, with edge angle 70°-80° and facial angle 30°., Costae well developed, subequal, straight numbering 47 on each face and 1 on each edge, hence 96 in total., Septa 96 in number, in three different sizes; cyclical arrangement indistinct; those of the first three cycles subequal, much extending into the calicular fossa and united with spongy columella., Calice 35×10 mm, with the upper margin of faces slightly arched upwards, being some 8 mm high above the level of the longer diagonal of calice., All the specimens examined are mould, none preserving the original calcareous substance, and in all the features visible, they precisely agree with Flabellum australe MOSELEY from the deep water of the Australian seas, which is, sa already stated in one of our former papers (1942), quite conspecific with Flabellum distinctum M., EDW., et H., a cosmopolitan deep water species, ranging from the Miocene to the Recent., Fossils of this species are known from the Pliocene of Tonohama, Koti-ken; the Pliocene of Tombe near Kakegawa-mati, Sizuoka-ken; the Pleistocene of Kunosan, Sizuoka-ken; the Plio-Pleistocene of Kamikatetu, Kamikatetu, Kikai-zima., They also occur in the Plio-Pleistocene of Ceram and Pliocene and Miocene of Java and Burma., Locality: Tutumi, Kanagase-muta, Sibata-gun, Miyagi-ken., Moniwa shell beds; Miocene., Stored in the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Tohoku Imperial University, Sendai; Reg., No., 59756.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1944-04-20
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