- 論文の詳細を見る
A new massive coral found in a Carboniferous limestone, together with a Stylidophyllum, several other rugose corals and a chaetetoid, of the Taisyaku limestone platcau in Tyugoku, suggests hexacorals in being characterized by its maeandroid corallum-a growth-habit never seen among rugose corals-, with narrow corallites lacking proper wall, connected by confluent, distinctly trabecular septa which, are apparently disposed radially, and provided with variably broad papillar columella surrounded by an incomplete cycle of pail or pali-like elements., Superficially it resembles such Palaeozoic corals as Aulina, Phillipsastraea, and Orionastraea, and, among recent hexacorals, certain forms of the Agaricidae, especially of the genus Pavona, though quite distinct from ali of them in the details of its inner structure., A new generic and specific name, Pseudopavona taisyakuana is here proposed for this interesting fossil coral ; it is to be referable to a new family Pseudopavoniidae,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1943-09-20
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- Paul Oppenheim: Anthozoen der Gosauschichten., Berlin, 1930., (Selbstverlag., d., Verf.,)