- 論文の詳細を見る
The psychogalvanic phenomena associated with the patients' psychic agitation or physical pain during the routine course of operative dentistry were investigated by the aid of a capacity coupled amplifier and a electro-magnetic recorder specially devised by the authors. The apparatus made it possible to delineate autographically the psychogalvanic phenomena on the smoked paper of the kymographion in continuation. The subjects to be tested were selected from the patients visiting the Clinic of Operative Dentistry of Kyushu Dental College, the dental personells, the nurses and the students which totalled to 44. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. Pre-operative psychogalvanic phenomena In some patients pre-operative psychogalvanic phenomena were elicited as soon as they seated at the dental chairs. In these cases individual differences were noted in the wave height, wave duration and the number of the waves produced. The phenomena were not seen in dental peresonells and nurses who were fully informed of the procedures to follow or in those person who were quite self-confident or fully reliant on the operators. 2. Psychogalvanic phenomena due to pain The pre-operative psychogalvanic phenomena at the patients' early visits gradually diminished as the patient was accustomed to the routine procedures, and only the galvanic responses due to pain became apparent. Among the waves of psychogalvanic phenomenon elicited during multiple treatments involved in the field of operative dentistry, those elicited by tooth percussion, mild grinding of dentin, manipulation of hand-reamer, exploration of hypersensitive cervix or cavity, and those elicited in some cases of caluculus scaling, were low in height and slow rising, while those elicited by removing soft dentin from deep cavity, by cavity preparation accompanying thermal pain, and by exstirpation of devitalized or vital pulp, had short latent time and sudden change with big height, requiring an extended time interval to recover normal states. In general, the wave heights and wave durations, though elicited apparently for the same type of disease and pain stimulus given of the same intensity, failed to produce any uniform pattern in the different subjects. However, in the same individual, with increasing intensity of pain stimulus given, the latent time shortened, the wave height changed suddenly and the wave duration was prolonged.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
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