- 論文の詳細を見る
Morphological observation and biometric measurement of the mouth and its periphery have been conducted on a total of 1232 subjects of both sexes consisting of grade school children and college students seven to twenty years of age. 1) The color of the lips measurement of the colors of the lips conducted according to the color table of the Japan Color Institute permitted us to divide them into seven shades of which No.1-16-7 was most frequent occupying 39.2 percent in the male, 35.5 percent in the female, followed by No.1-16-6 with 22.5 percent in the male, 17.9 percent in the female of the total. This means that lips with darkish red color occupied more than half of the total. 2) Degree of protrusion measurement of the degree of protrusion in the front view of the membranous lips revealed that the type of medium protrusion occupied two-third of the total, whereas thin type and thick type shared about equal halves of the rest. In the side wiew of the protrusion degree the type in which the maximum protrusion points of upper and lower lips fell on the same perpendicular occupied more than half of the total in both sexes of the subjects. Measurement of the protrusion degree of the cutaneous lips revealed that protruded concave and protruded straight types were most frequently observed both in upper and lower lips and occupied about one-third of the total in both sexes, whereas protruded convex type and retrograde type were rarely encountered. 3) The height of the upper membranous lip was 8.1mm in the male, 6.6mm in the female at the ages of 7 to 8, and 8.54mm in the female, 9.04mm in the male at the ages of 15 to 16, the male showing slightly large value compared with the female. The height of the lower membranous lip in the subjects 7 to 8 years of age was 7.61mm in the male, 7.22mm in the female, and in the subjects 19 to 20 years of age it was 9.38mm in the male, 9.17mm in the female, showing gradual increase with increasing age alike with the upper membranous lip. 4) The distances from Subnasale to the point where the tangent passing the highest point of the upper margin of the upper membranous lip crossed with the median sagittal plane were respectively 10.58mm in the male, 10.31mm in the female at the ages of 8 to 9, and these increased with age to reach 14.27mm in the male, 12.83mm in the female at the ages of 16 to 17 of the subjects. 5) The breadth of the mouth was 37.1mm in the male, 35.4mm in the female respectively, and these increased with increasing age to reach 47.0mm in the male, 35.4mm in the female at the ages of 19 to 20 of the subjects. 6) The maximum height of the opened mouth was 35.4mm in the male, 32.2 in the female at the ages of 7 to 8, and these increased with age to reach 43.0mm in the male, 33.9mm in the female. 7) Observation on the types of occlusion of the anterior teeth revealed that about 70 percent was occupied by those types which were reasonably included in the so-called normal occlusion, and about 15 percent was occupied by the overbite or incisal tip occlusion types, the contrary occlusion type being seen in the very small number. 8) The most frequent shade of the central incisors was of No.27, followed by those of No.35 and No.36 in this order and this was generally common in both sexes.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1959-03-25
- 17. アルミナスポーセレンの既製陶歯添加焼成について(第 28 回 九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 96. キャスト・メトリックス法による陶材インレー製作法
- 34. 球状アマルガムおよび銅アマルガム加球状アマルガムの各種試験成績について
- 33. 陶材の真空焼成法について(第一報)
- 精神薄弱児にあらわれた多数乳歯の晩期残存と永久歯欠如の一症例
- 上下左右同名乳臼歯の対称性晩期残存と第 2 小臼歯の先天性欠如を伴つた 2 症例
- ノンジンクアマルガム、銅アマルガムおよびその混合合金の各種試験成績について
- (6) アマルガムクラウンについて(第 21 回九州歯科学会総会講演示説, 抄録)
- エナメル滴について
- 39. う蝕の処置前後における小児の歯髄疾患の血液像および血清蛋白量の変化について(第 28 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 11. スポンジゴールド、スポンジシルバーの填塞について(第 24 回 九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 1. 我が教室で行つた充填に関する統計的観察(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- (推)口腔周辺の形状並びに計測に就て(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 口腔周辺の形状並びに計測に就て
- 既製陶歯応用のポーセレン、ジヤケツト、クラウンに就て(模型供覧)(第 19 回 九州歯科学会総会)
- 再びアマルガム計量器の排出量について(第 16 回 九州歯科学会総会)
- 市販アマルガム計量器の排出量について(第十五回 九州歯科学会総会)
- (1) 14 カラツト金合金に依る前歯部インレー窩洞に就いて(保存学, 昭和 28 年度夏季齒学臨床講習会示説要旨)
- 合成樹脂冠及び即時重合樹脂充填の示説
- 巨大なる歯石に覆われ横臥のまま放置経過した小臼歯の剖検症例
- 神經痛様疼痛ヲ誘起セシ埋伏(逆生)齒ノ一例