Mandibulo-facial dysostosis : (Treacher Collins syndrome) の 1 例
- 論文の詳細を見る
The term, Treacher Collins syndrome has been widely recognized as the condition which was indicated by E. Treacher Collins in 1900. First 2 cases reported by him showed symmetrical congenital notches in the outer part of each lower lids, palpebral fissures sloping downwards laterally (antimongoloid) and malar bone hypoplasia. The cases of congenital notches at the outer part of the lower lids were, however, already reported by G. A. Berry in 1889. In 1944, Franceschetti and Zwahlen who studied in detail this condition, recommended the term, dysostosis mandibulo-faciale. There after both have been used synonymously. We encountered December 6, 1967 a six-year-old girl with palpebral fissures sloping downwards laterally (antimongoloid), malar bone and maxillar hypoplasia, macrostomia and mental retardation. Our case seems to belong to the incomplete form of mandibulo-facial dysostosis (Treacher Collins syndrome).
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1968-06-30
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- Mandibulo-facial dysostosis : (Treacher Collins syndrome) の 1 例
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