- 論文の詳細を見る
The literatures which were relative to the transplantation of the tooth germs or the developing teeth were reported numerously Sasano (1932), Glasstone (1935), Apfel (1950), Hirakawa (1955), Yamaguchi (1964) and so on. However, the reports that were performed combined transplantation of the mandibular bone block which was contained the deciduous tooth and permanent tooth germ and that examined it's roentogenological and pathohistological responses were fewer. The purpose of this study was to observe and confirm the responses following auto transplantation of the mandibular bone block with the deciduous tooth and permanent tooth germ roentogenologically (some of them soft roentogenologically) and pathohistologically. The results obtained were as follow : 1) About 14 postoperative days, the roentogenologic or ultra soft x-rays examination revealed the enlargement of the periodontal zone, the tendency of the root resorption of the deciduous teeth and the tendency of the resorption of the bony substances. And the examination revealed that these responses progressed according as time passed. 2) About 30 to 60 postoperative days, the radioopaque schadow were observed newly in the bony block. Especially, it appeared in the deciduous tooth pulp, the dental papilla, the outside of the germ crown and the root apex of the deciduous tooth. 3) It was peculiar that the radioopaque schadow were linear and very like to the proper bone trabecula and it was running radially around the tooth germs. 4) About 120 days after operation, the tooth germs were resorpted and disappeared. And also the deciduous teeth were resorpted but only the crowns were remained. 5) Pathohistologically, the degeneration appeared in the deciduous tooth pulp, the periodontal membrane, the dental papilla, the dental sac and the bone mallow at a few days after autotransplantation. 6) About 10 days after operation, the reactive inflammation began and the formation of the young connecive tissue progressed. Gradually, it was changing to the fibrous, connective tissue. The deciduous tooth pulp, the periodontal membrane, the dental papilla, the dental sac and the bone mallow were replaced by the tissue mentioned above. 7) About 21 to 30 days after operation, the resorption of the root of the deciduous tooth and the surrounding bony substances were progressing. And about 60 days after operation, these resorption were remarkable and so the tooth germs began to be resorpted. 8) In addition, about 30 to 60 days after operation, the new formation of the bone began in the part of the deciduous tooth pulp, the periodontal membrane, the dental sac, the dental papilla and the old bony substaces. Then the part were replaced by the new bone. 9) About 120 days after operation, the tooth germs were completely resorpted and disappeared. The resorption in the new bone was progressing remarkably. The author thinks that this resorption of the newbone and the reductive tendency of the transplanted mandibular bone block were extremely influenced by the specialized circumference as the connective tissue of the abdomen.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1969-11-30
- 3. 口腔外科手術における輸血節減に関する研究各種麻酔と Trans-4-Aminomethyl Cyclohexane Carboxylic acid (Transamin) および局所止血剤の組合せによる比較(九州歯科学会 4 月例会)
- 根管充填材埋入実験に対するキモプシンの効果(九州歯科学会 7 月例会)
- 5. 照射骨即時移植の遠隔成績(7 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 31. 照射骨即時移植に関する研究
- GLIFANAN の臨床応用について
- 乳歯及び永久歯歯胚を含む新鮮下顎骨片の自家異所移植後の変化について : 論文内容の要旨
- 乳歯および永久歯歯胚を含む新鮮下顎骨片の自家異所移植後の変化について
- 55. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome の 1 例(第 28 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 2. 乳歯及び永久歯歯芽を含む新鮮下顎骨片の自家異所移植後の変化について(第 1 報)(11 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 5. 下顎切除手術後の遠隔観察 : 特に年少者(9 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 6. 下顎骨連続離断切除後の骨再生に関する実験的研究(第 1 報)(7 月例会, 九州歯科学会)
- Mandibulo-facial dysostosis : (Treacher Collins syndrome) の 1 例
- 口腔外科手術における輸血節減に関する研究 各種麻酔剤とTrans-4-Aminomethyl cyclohexane carboxylic Acid(Transamin)および局所止血剤の組合せによる比較
- レダマイシン・ドライシロップの歯科・口腔領域での使用成績
- Papillon-Lefevre syndromeの1例