歯科医師と肝炎 : 歯科医療従事者に対する B 型肝炎対策
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About ten years ago, dentists had no interest in the hepatitis B virus infection during their practicing. Recent publications in the medical literature indicate that an increased risk of viral hepatitis infection exists not only for physicians but also dentists. Infection with hepatitis B is a well-recognized occupational hazard among health care professionals. It is diagnosed by detection in the blood of Australia antigen, now called hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The incubation period is long, between 4 weeks to 6 months and the HBs antigen may be present in the blood for 6 weeks or more before and after the onset of symptoms. But clinical hepatitis is only a small number, probably less than 5 percent ; most all is latent infection. Contact of hands with blood and saliva repeatly expose the practicing dentist to potentially infectious materials. Avoidance of accidental cuts and pricks from instruments and needles is important. The wearing of a mask and spectacles may help, as well as washing hands after work.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1980-09-25
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