- 論文の詳細を見る
I made patho-historical experiments, using <I_3I_2|I_2I_3>^^^- of adult dogs, on effects on the pulp by different kinds of resin for filling, mainly about movement of the fibrous tissue. The results are as follows : 1. Three days later the cavity preparation reactive changes were remarkable, in the predentin right under the cavity floor the surrounding cells caused agglutination and odontblasts were found to be thread-like or rods of retina. There I observed vacuolar degeneration, atrophy and loss in the odontoblasts layer, and the pulp showed reticular atrophy. Tiny gitterfaster surrounding were usually separated into some parts irregularly, formed beads, swelled, or disappeared. Seven days later, I found many shapes of cells having big nucleus ; polygons, circular shapes and column-shapes. Three weeks later inflamatory in cavity preparation ceased to be. 2. After filling a cavity in the both cases Pile-A and Cosmic-the same result were found, and especially in the case of Cosmic as Cosmic Bond had been used nonactive monoma was shut out by bonding, which mainly worked. On the first day the pulp showed a comparatively slight change, but when three days or seven days passed vacuolar degeneration, atrophy and loss were observed in odontoblasts, and the pulp showed regression. Fourteen days later reparative dentin was remarkably formed, but sometimes it was not formed. The predentin right under the area where reparative dentin was formed, partly disappeared and the odontoblasts atrophed and disappeared too. The gitterfaster in this area was irregulared and shortened. The boundary between primary dentin and reparative dentin were recognized clearly as calciotraumatic line dyed by Hematoxylin. On the ninty-second day, the width of predentin in the reparative dentin area was kept average and thus odontoblasts showed regular disposition. When reparative dentin was not formed, the predentin, odontoblasts and the pulp right under the cavity floor were almost normal except one part. 3. In the examples of Epolite 100 and Adaptic, within 92 days restoration was not observed : three days later reactive inflamation became strong, predentin disappeared and odontoblasts showed vacuolar degeneration, atrophy and disappearanced, and as for the pulp expansion of blood vessels, congestion, inflamatory cell infiltration and hydrocyst and hemorrhagic lesion were found and reticular atrophy was partly observed. Upon the result, the parts of gitterfasters were decreased and cutted in pieces irregularly according to the degree of inflamation, and the other parts of gitterfasters were shorted, beaded and expanded.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1980-03-25
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