- 論文の詳細を見る
In this report a geyser and fumarole are considered as a model of volcanoes, and the tremors observed at the Onikobe geyser and the Ofuki, one of the fumaroles at Volcano Me-Akan, are discussed with special relation to the volcanic tremors. Moreover, tremors observed there are compared with the volcanic tremors which were accompanied by the 1962 eruption of Volcano Tokachi. The results of consideration are as follows: 1) Tremors at the fumarole Ofuki are identified with ones at the Onikobe gayser when water is erupting and both wave frequencies are higher than 10c/s. Tremors of this kind may be also observed near a crater even if the volcanic activity is calm. 2) When a volcano becomes active, tremors having wave frequency lower than 10c/s appear and they seem to be related with some motions of magma in reservoir. 3) The frequency distribution of wave periods of volcanic tremors which appear intermittently during the eruption is similar to that of B-type volcanic earthquakes. Very small B-type earthquakes may not be distinguished from volcanic tremors, especially at distant places from the crater. 4) The more distant from the crater they are observed at, the longer become the wave periods of volcanic tremors: One of the reasons is that waves of shorter period would attenuate more rapidly than those of longer period. But the phenomena may be also due to the generation of surface waves with longer periods during the propagation of volcanic tremors.
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