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Many researchers have studied the improvement of biological and metabolic activities in the cultivation of microorganisms. This article reviews the author's studies on nutrient control in cultures of recombinant Bacilli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The production of gene products from recombinant Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus brevis and S. cerwisias was improved by controlling the carbon or nitrogen source using an adaptive or fuzzy controller. As well as being simpler, these control strategies gave greater reliability than the use of an indirect control method such as DO-stat or pH-stat. When the carbon source was controlled by controlling the glucose concentration at 1 g/l, the cell concentration, and recombinant protein(β-galactosidase)production in fed-batch culture of recombinant B. subtilis increased about 50-fold compared with that of batch culture. The nitrogen source was monitored and controlled by an automatic analyzer by means of an L-amino acid biosensor. The maximum recombinant protein increased 2.5-fold when the L-amino acid concentration was controlled at 5 mM using an Asn-and Ile-enriched nitrogen source. Both controlling the amino acids at a low concentration and enrichment with Asn and Ile were effective in improving recombinant protein production from recombinant B. brevis cells. Fuzzy reasoning was applied to control both the ethanol and glucose concentrations in a recombinant yeast culture. This fuzzy controller was comprised of 3 membership functions(the concentrations of dissolved oxygen, ethanol and glucose)and 18 production rules. The ethanol concentration, produced as a byproduct, was inhibitory to cloned gene expression in the recombinant yeast. However, the concentrations of glucose and ethanol were controlled simultaneously at 0.15 and 2 g/l, respectively, in the production phase using the fuzzy controller. The secretory specific α-amylase activities increased 3-4 times compared with those when glucose only was controlled.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1996-05-25
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