HPC-1/Syntaxin-1A Activity in the Enteric Nervous System of Developing Rat Gastrointestinal Tract
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The HPC-1/syntaxin-1A antigen was originally identitied as a neuron-specific membrane protein in the central nervous system. The presence of HPC-1 antigen in the nervous system of the fetal rat gastrointestinal tract was immunohistochemically demonstrated using the antibody against HPC-1 to clarify the role of this protein in the development of the enteric nervous system. Rat gasfrointestinal tract from 14-, 16-, 18-, and 20-day fetuses and adults were immunohistochemically examined for HPC-1 antigen by light microscopy. Acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity was also examined as a comparison. HPC-1 activity was first detected on 18th day of gestation. AchE activity was first detected at the Auerbach's plexus of the esophagus on the 16th day of gestation. The presence of HPC-1 in the developing rat intestine revealed that the HPC-1 antigen may be a good indicator f or expressing the maturation of enteric nervous system in the development of the enteric nervous system.
- 日本平滑筋学会の論文
Ito Y
Department Of Pharmacology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
SEKI Nobuo
Department of Immunology, Pharmacology Research Labs, Astellas Pharma, Inc.
Seki Nobuo
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi Universit
Seki Nobuo
Department Of Pediatric Surgery Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Ito Y
Kyushu Univ.
Department of Pediatric Surgery Kyorin University School of Medicine
ITO Yasuo
Department of Pediatric Surgery Kyorin University School of Medicine
Department of Physiology Kyorin University School of Medicine
Ito Yasuo
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Kobe Red Cross Hospital
Akagawa K
Kyorin Univ. School Of Medicine Tokyo
Akagawa Kimio
Department Of Cell Physiology Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Ito Yasuo
Department Of Internal Medicine Kitakyushu-tsuyazaki Hospital
ITO Yasuo
Department of Health Science, Kumamoto Health Science University
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