保育的関係の中で子供を理解する : 描画と行動を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
A Child becomes identifying himself and develops his best potentialities in the hoiku (care- and- education) relationship between the caring adult (hoiku-sha) and the child. The adult meets the child as a person who feels, thinks, suffers and desires differently from the adult himself or herself. The adult creates a way of understanding the child as a person through the actions he expresses in ever changing situations of a day, i.e. the expressions, the bodily movements, the behaviors or drawings etc. The adult responds to the child according to what he understood. The adult creates the pleasant atmosphere in which the child could feel certain and accepted as he is. In the hoiku relationship thus built, the child expresses his inner world to the adult gradually at first, then fully. Some disturbances might follow if the hoiku relationship were collapsed. The primary handicapps caused physically or biologically need not be feared as we can help him developing his potentialities promised to him in spite of the handicapps. The secondary handicapps brought about by failing to build the hoiku relationship should be avoided. In this respect, -how we understand the child in daily lives confronting with the expressive actions is crucial. I want to discuss how we do it by the examples of the drawings produced spontaneously by the child which are the records the child himself left behind. The materials are those which were accumulated longitudinally concerning three children from their first strokes for more than ten years.
- 日本保育学会の論文
- 1989-05-10
- 人間を育てる保育
- 今の子どもが我々に問いかけているもの : 「特色ある教育研究」シンポジウム
- 子どもの世界をどうみるか
- 保育的関係の中で子供を理解する : 描画と行動を通して
- 子どもの世界の理解
- 企画主旨の説明 : II.幼児の知的教育はいかにあるべきか
- 倉橋惣三の人と思想
- 障害児保育現象論(講義要旨) (精神薄弱者の教育) -- (第21回御殿場コロニ-・セミナ-報告)
- 第 56 回日本保育学会大会にあたって
- 子どもの健やかな育ちを守り、はぐくむ : 子どもと大人との新しい関係の中で
- 日本の保育、文化、宗教 : 外からの鏡に照らして
- 教育講演 国際化時代の幼児教育
- 保育の動向と保育研究の50年を顧みて : 保育学会は何をしてきたか、これから何をすべきか
- 幼児保育・教育の国際交流の意義 : 世界の平和と未来への貢献
- シンポジウム『今アジアの子どもたちは』
- II. 幼児の知的教育はいかにあるべきか(準備委員会企画シンポジウム)
- 今、人間を育てる