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Enhancing interference by various alkali salts was observed in the determination of indium by flme atomic absorption spectrometry using air-acetylene or nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. In order to find the optimum analytical conditions eliminating the interference, effects of kind and concentration of alkali salts, burner-beam distance and acetylene flow rate were investigated. Serious enhancing interference for the determination of indium was observed when nitrous oxide-acetylene flame was used at any burner-beam distance in the presence of O.002 M alkali salts. The extent of the enhancing interference was decreased according to the order of CsN0_3>RbN0_3>KN0_3>NaN0_3>LiN0_3. Interference of alkaline earth and other metal salts was also investigated, A plot of the degree of interference with indium absorption and the ionization potential of the metals, shows that metals having lower ionization potential gave larger enhancing interference. Therefore most of this interference was attributed to the ionization interference.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1983-04-05
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