A Mapping System from Object-Z to C++
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The formal specification language Z is now gaining popularity. Object-Z is based on Z, augmenting the class concept as a structuring facility.Here we discuss on a structural mapping system from Object-Z to C++.The idea of structural mapping was initially proposed by Bagherzadeh Rafsanjani and Colwill. The structural mapping translates classes of an Object-Z specification into class interfaces of C++such as data members and (headers of) member functions. Thus it is not intended as a code generation system, but rather as a tool for analyzing specification (including syntax and type checking) and for aiding to obtain code from specification. In the primary framework and basic rules of the mapping was described, which were obtained through case studies. We follow up the idea, and we describe the rules of mapping more clearly and to the details. We have implemented the major part of the mapping system, on which we report here. The major facets of the mapping are the treatment of classes and their inheritance, types, and predefined operator symbols.
- 社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1994-09-20
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