The Design Principle of the Application Program Interface of OMEGA
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We investigate the design principle of the application program interface of OMEGA : An object-oriented multimedia database management system being under development at University of Library and Information Science. We decided to make OMEGA a multiparadigm system. By the multiparadigm system we mean a system with the following capability : (1) Application programmers can use a variety of existing object-oriented programming languages such as Smalltalk and C++. (2) The class definitions of such languages are extended so that they provide facility for creating and manipulating persistent objects. (3) Once objects become persistent, then they can be shared by any other programs in any programming languages. By the persistency we mean to store objects created during program execution in a persistent storage so that they can be reused after the program termination by other programs. In short it means to make program objects database objects. Notice that the above decision was made because of the following reasons : (1) Several object-oriented programming languages have already been marketed. (2) Unfortunately, they differ so much in syntax and semantics. (3) Therefore, it seems very difficult to find a common object-oriented data model. For example, if we compare Smalltalk with C++, then we call see the following differences : (1) Message passing protocol is adopted in Smalltalk, while it isn't in C++. (2) Types are allocated to instance variable values in Smallta1k, while they are allocated to instance variables (i. e. private member variables) in C++. (3) The metaclass of a class exists in Smalltalk, while it doesn't in C++. That is, a class in C++ is just a data type in the traditional programming language sense, and not a class in the Smalltalk sense. (4) Friend functions can be defined in C++ classes which are nonmember functions. There is no such concept in Smalltalk.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1990-03-14
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