- 論文の詳細を見る
In the studies in vivo, rats were injected via femoral vein or intramuscularly with aqueous dispersion of vitamin A alcohol or acetate with Tween 80. At various time intervals the serum, liver and kindney were analysed for vitamin A alcohol and its ester. After the intravenous injection of vitamin A alcohol, the ester and alcohol in the serum were recognized, while in the liver the elevation of ester was pronounced but that of alcohol was insignificant. On the other hand, the increases of ester and alcohol were slight in the kidney. The similar results were obtained with the administrations of vitamin A acetate. After the intramuscular injection of vitamin A alcohol or acetate the elevations of alcohol and ester in the serum were recognized. However, after the administration of vitamin A alcohol, the alcohol in the serum was increased more significantly than the ester, while the elevation of ester was more predominant after the administratious of vitamin A acetate. In the liver the elevation of ester was predominant and no increase of alcohol was showm, after the administration of vitamin A alcohol or its acetate. In the kidney, a slight elevation of ester was recognized, but alcohol was not increased.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1964-09-25
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