- 論文の詳細を見る
Producers of kanamycin (KM), neomycin (NM), and streptomycin (SM) were examined with regard to their productivity and resistance to their own antibiotics. Growth of the producers was suppressed by the addition of increasing amounts of their own antibiotic, although the producers exhibited much higher resistance to their own antibiotic than to the other antibiotics. Mycelia of the producers in logarithmic and stationary phases of growth readily bound these antibiotics nonspecifically. The binding was remarkably lowered by cations such as Mg^<++> and Ca^<++>. Lysozyme, NH_4OH, HCl, and cations such as Mg^<++> and Ca^<++> released the antibiotics bound to mycelia. Protoplasts of the producers bound little or none of their own antibiotic. Resistance of the producers to KM, NM and SM seemed to be correlated with the degree of binding of these antibiotics to the protoplasts. Mg^<++> enhanced the resistance of the producers to their own antibiotic and to other antibiotics.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1976-08-25
堀田 国元
岡見 吉郎
堀田 国元
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
岡見 吉郎
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
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