無気相高圧で好圧微生物を培養, 分離, 保存するための新装置
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The growth and isolation of barophilic microorganisms occur most favorably under pressurized conditions, which have hitherto been achieved by introducing a pressurized gas such as helium. However, pressurized gas often affects growth and creates a risk of bursting. In order to avoid there problems, a new system without a gas-phase was devised for the isolation and storage of barophiles. A water-immiscible liquid such as liquid paraffin, which can be layered over agar medium and which does not affect the growth of the microbes, is used to completely fill a pressurized chamber and the pipe-lines of the system. An agar medium plate is placed at the bottom of the chamber and autoclaved. Additional amounts of paarffin are pumped into the system to increase the pressure as desired. Barophilic microbes in a container, in which the pressure is equivalent to that in the system, can thus be transferred onto the agar medium without a pressure decrease, and can be incubated until independent and separate colonies appear under the pressurized conditions. An indepenndent colony is sucked through a pipe into a glass tube is which the microbial suspension can be kept in pressurized paraffin; thus the isolation of a barophile can be completed without a reduction of pressure. The use of paraffin obviates the use of a gas-phase, and ensures no mixing of separate colonies in the system.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1991-05-25
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