- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of oxygen supply on the growth of C. utilis was examined in batch and continuous cultures with a 1 m^3 Waldhof type fermentor using sulfite waste liquor medium. Also, metabolic activities were investigated at several dilution rates in higher oxygen concentration and the behavior of C. utilis in oxygen limited culture. The results were compared with those obtained with cultures in a 200 m^3 fermentor.The following results were obtained.(1) The specific growth rate of C. utilis in shaken or jar fermentor culture exhibited much lower value in sulfite waste liquor medium than in glucose medium.(2) In a continuous culture the cell mass concentration varied little at dilution rates between 0.1 hr^<-1> and 0.30 hr^<-1>. The "wash out" occurred at a dilution rate of ca. 0.45 hr^<-1>.(3) The oxidation activity for the broth increased corresponding to the dilution rate but ones for glucose and xylose did not so much.(4) The oxygen-limited culture gave rise to an increase in the value of the oxidation activity for the broth and a decrease in the content of cytochrome c in the cell. From these results, the metabolic activities of microorganisms cultured in 200 m^3 tank were discussed.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1969-02-25
前川 宜彦
前川 宜彦
木原 利一郎
三輪 万治
木原 利一郎
三輪 萬治
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