パン酵母培養廃液の処理および利用に関する研究 : (第2報)Stysanus mediusによる処理について
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In order to purify the baker's yeast culture waste solution effectively without dilution and to apply the mycelium grown on the waste solution, investigation of effective microorganisms has shown, as found in previous studies, that Stysanus medius produces an antifungal substance in mycelium and simultaneously removes BOD in the waste solution. This report concerns the study of treatment of the waste solution using Stysanus medius.In order to lower the cost of purification, all parts of the treatment experiment in thisr eport were undertaken under open conditions without sterilization of the waste solution.Conditions, for treatment, aeration time, quantity of innoculation, initial pH, aeration volume and the effect of the addition of a nitrogen source, were studied.On suitable conditions obtained with the experiment, which included an innoculation weight 4% (moisture 82%), pH 5.3 (pH of the waste solution) at 27℃ for 24 hrs, 52% of BOD 12,000 ppm in the waste solution were removed. And when adjusting pH to 6.0 and adding (NH_4)_2SO_4 0.1%, BOD removal come up to 64%.Seed mycelium can be used for treatment twice and the same degree of BOD removal can be expected.As a result of the analysis of raw waste and treated liquor, it was found that volatile solids were removed considerably as well as BOD.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1966-10-25
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