リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (III)Ajmaline, Quinidine, Propranololの抗不整脈作用に及ぼす2', 3'-Di-o-nicotinoyl riboflavin-4'(5')-phosphateの影響
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In the previous paper, the author reported that 2', 3'-di-o-nicotinoyl riboflavin-4'(5')-phosphate (DNRP), one of the riboflavin derivatives, decreased myocardial contractile force, arterial blood pressure, and heart rate. In the present study, the effects of DNRP on the insulin-ouabain induced arrhythmias and on antiarrhythmic actions of quinidine, ajmaline, and propranolol were investigated. Dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium were used. The following are the results obtained. 1. An intravenous infusion of DNRP (0.5 mg/min, total dose=21.0〜22.5 mg/kg) did not improve the insulin-ouabain induced arrhythmias. 2. DNRP (7.5 mg/kg, i.v.) enhanced the antiarrhythmic effect of ajmaline against the insulin-ouabain induced arrhythmias. 3. DNRP (10 mg/kg, i.v.) enhanced the antiarrhythmic effect of quinidine against the insulin-ouabain induced arrhythmias. 4. DNRP (10 mg/kg, i.v.) decreased the antiarrhythmic effect of propranolol against the insulin-ouabain induced arrhythmias.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1973-12-25
- リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (IV)2', 3'-Di-o-nicotinoyl riboflavin-4'(5')-phosphateの一般薬理作用
- Partially Saturated 2-Naphthalene-および2-Naphthylidene-酢酸誘導体の合成
- リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (VI)2', 3'-Di-o-nicotinoyl riboflavin-4'(5')-phosphateの薬理作用機序
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- リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (V)2', 3'-Di-o-nicotinoyl riboflavin-4'(5')-phosphateのコレステロール低下作用
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- リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (III)Ajmaline, Quinidine, Propranololの抗不整脈作用に及ぼす2', 3'-Di-o-nicotinoyl riboflavin-4'(5')-phosphateの影響
- リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (II)血管に対する作用
- リボフラビン誘導体の薬理学的研究 : (I)心臓に対する作用
- Ouabainの犬心臓血管作用に対するAjmalineの影響