材質腐朽に関する研究 VII : 腐朽に対するクロマツ材辺の比較抵抗力に就て
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The present paper deals with the results of the writers' investigations on the relative resistance of sap wood blocks of black pine (Pinus thunbergii) to nine species of wood-destroying fungi under the controlled laboratory conditions.2. The fungi tested were as follows : (a) lignin-dissolving fungus group ; Fomes pomaceus, Lenzites betulina, Polyporus adustus, Polystictus sanguineus and Schizophyllum commune. (b) Cellulose-decomposing fungus group ; Fomes pinicola, Lenzites subferruginea, Polyporus betulinus and Polyporus sulphureus. These fungi had previouly grown on malt-decoction agar media in Erlenmeyer's flasks, before the test blocks were inserted, and the flasks were kept at 28℃. for ninety days long.3. The mycelial growth of Fomes pomaceus, Polystictus sanguineus and Lanzites betulina on wood blocks was vigorous, and Schizophyllum commune which showed the considerable growth of mycelium on maltdecoction agar revealed poor growth on them.4. In the conditions of flask culture, Fomes pomaceus, usually found on deciduous trees in nature, showed the strongest virulence, indicating 27.8 per cent decrease in dry weight of test blocks, and Schizophyllum commune had the weakest, showing only 1.1 per cent average loss.5. Fomes pinicola and Lenzites subferruginea which cause the brown cubical rot of coniferous heart woods, also showed the serious decay of sap wood blocks of black pine, appearing many fine cracks on them.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1953-01-25
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- 材質腐朽に関する研究 VII : 腐朽に対するクロマツ材辺の比較抵抗力に就て
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