70 発根に有害な挿穗内の物質(第II報) : 鋸屑中の発根阻害物質と除去法
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This experiment was conducted to find out how to eliminate or make innoxious the substance inhibiting rooting, which is contained in the cuttings, and to raise the rooting percentage of the cuttings. We used the saw dust of chestnut (Castanea crenata SIEB. et ZUCC.) as the material for our experiment and studied how to treat it.The findings may be summarized as follows : 1. None of the cuttings of Amorpha Fruticosa took root when they were put in the saw dust containing the substance inhibiting rooting. It came to our notice that the vessels in the cross section at the end of the cutting, 1 m.m across, were clogged with a brown tannin-like substance.2. It was found out that the saw dust contained a substance which is soluble in water, is apt to oxidise and inhibits rooting. This is considered to be a substance similar to tannic acid.3. For eliminating the substance inhibiting rooting, the treatments in boiling water, luke-warm water, lime water, alcohol, etc. are all effective. Above all, the treatments in boiling water and lukewarm water are considered to be most effective. The effect of the treatment in lime water is worthy of our notice.4. It is regarded as effective in eliminating the substance inhibiting rooting to dip the end of cutting in water, warm water, lime water, alcohol, etc. and cleanse it. This treatment is considered to be effective in eliminating the substance because the substance is removed when the cross section at the end of cutting is dipped in the processing solution.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1952-12-25
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- 70 発根に有害な挿穗内の物質(第II報) : 鋸屑中の発根阻害物質と除去法
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