66 イチヨウ種子の後熟に関する短報
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This paper deals with the relation of the embryo-growth, the seed-germination to the storage-condition in Ginkgo biloba. The result obtained are as follows : 1) When the seeds of Ginkgo biloba are taken in the fall (October 1st), the embryos are growing till January in the next year at room temperature, but they cannot grow at all at about 5℃.2) All both seeds (at room temp. and about 5℃) germinate in 6 weeks, but the seeds kept at room temperature germinate more fast until 4 weeks.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1952-12-25
畑野 健一
狩野 高英
Institute of Forest Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo
狩野 高英
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