25 シイタケ胞子の2,3の性質
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present account a record is given of the physiological characters of the basidiospores of Shiitake-mushroom (Cortinellus edodes (BERK.)S. ITO et IMAI) which is one of the commonest edible mushrooms in Japan. The basidiospores germinate easily on various agar media at the temperatures ranging from 15℃ to 30℃ but not in distilled water. In the germinating process the basidiospores swell to a large subglobular body of 2 to 5 times the size of the original spores, until a septum at the center of the swollen spore is formed. (Fig. 1)The retention of viability of the basidiospores were examined under different temperatures and atmospheric humidities during 7 months periods. At the constant temperatures, 30℃, 25℃, 20℃ and 20-25℃, the relation of the retention of viability of the basidiospores and the storage periods are shown in Figs. 2,3,4 and 5,respectively. At 30℃ the basidiospores kept at the relative atmospheric humidity of less than 30 per cent lost their viability in 50 days, but none of the basidiospores germinated after 20 days at the relative atmospheric humidity of more than 50 per cent. At 25℃ and at 20℃ the basidiospores were alive more longer periods of time than at 30℃. When preserved at the temperature of 20℃ and relative atmospheric humidity of 10 per cent for 3 months, germinated more than 70 per cent of the basidiospores tested.As shown in Fig. 6,the basidiospores which had been storaged for 110 days at the temperature ranges of 20-25℃ and at the relative atmospheric humidity of 33 per cent germinated less than ten per cent, but large numbers of the basidiospores swelled.The influence of the direct sunlight upon the germination of the basidiospores is given in Fig. 7. Both January and May sunlight in Tokyo are similarly harmful and 3 hours exposure kill all the basidiospores tested. In the present case the basidiospores of 30 minuts of exposure to the direct sunlight had swellings but did not germinate mostly.The relation of the temperatures and killing effects are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. Fig. 8 in the dry condition and Fig. 9 gives the effects examind in water. In dry condition at 80℃ in 10 minuits and at 70℃ in 4 hours the basidiospores were completely killed. In water at 50℃ in 30 minuits and at 40℃ in 4 hours all basidiospores did not germinate.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1952-05-25
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- 25 シイタケ胞子の2,3の性質
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