- 論文の詳細を見る
Several trenches were made along a gentle hillside, and the characteristics of pipe flow in a subsurface soil layer were investigated in the snowmelt season. The following points were clarified : There were two types (A and B) of pipes with different distributions, diameters, and numbers. The A type was centered in the B-layer with a large diameter and a small number. It was inferred that the reason for making it so was in regard to plants. In the lower part of the slope, there were large-diameter pipes. The B type was centered in the C-layer, with a 3.5 mm average diameter and a large number, and it had an aggregated distribution of small groups. The discharges of both pipes were 772 cc/min per trench width of 1 m. It occupied 91% of the total discharge of the entire soil section. The velocity of the pipe flow was about 1 m/min.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1988-07-01
- 法面への簡易木本導入法
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