- 論文の詳細を見る
The food habits of the Japanese black bear, Selenarctos thibetanus, were studied by scat content analysis in the headwaters of the Ohwi River in Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan. Fifty scats were collected from May to December from 1981 to 1984 in the low mountainous zone (about 1,000〜1,600 m in altitude). The contents were classified into six categories : namely, seeds and fruits, Ieaves, branches and wood fragments, other vegetable matter, insects, and the other items. The black bear was omnivorous mainly depending on vegetable foods ; it amounted to 98.5% of the total dry weight of the contents. Seeds and fruits were detected in summer through fall, and buna (Fagus crenata) and mizunara (Quercus mongolica) were staples of the diet in the period before hibernation. Most of leaves were detected in spring and summer. Branches and wood fragments were detected in all seasons. Other vegetable matters were small both in amount and frequency. All animal matter consisted of adult insects were of some importance in the diet during summer and fall. The nests of Hymenoptera sp. were detected in summer.
- 1989-10-01
鳥居 春巳
鳥居 春己
鳥居 春己
Torii Harumi
Center For Natural Environment Education Nara University Of Education
鳥居 春己
奈良教育大学 教育学部
- 奈良春日山原始林におけるニホンジカによる樹木剥皮
- 大腿骨骨髄による奈良公園シカの栄養診断
- 春日山におけるニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)によるイズセンリョウ(Maesa japonica)の採食
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- ハクビシンの産子数と性比〔英文〕
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- 奈良公園におけるニホンジカCervus nipponのE型肝炎ウイルス疫学調査(ウイルス学)
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- 静岡県で駆除されたニホンカモシカCapricornis crispusの下顎骨管内脂肪と腎脂肪
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- 京都府南部里山地帯におけるニホンノウサギ(Lepus brachyurus)による冬期の土地利用
- 絶食時におけるノウサギの糞食について
- ニホンノウサギの腎脂肪と大腿骨骨髄内脂肪について
- 6.初春の有害駆除でのノウサギの密度調査と繁殖状況(第20回野兎研究記録)
- 8.ノウサギ捕食者としてのキツネ, テン, イタチ(第11回野兎研究会記録)
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- 大井川上流域におけるツキノワグマの食性
- 静岡県北部のツキノワグマ 狩猟報告書の検討
- Local variation in diet composition of the Japanese serow during winter
- 奈良公園春日山原始林におけるニホンジカ密度推定の試み
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- 下顎骨管内脂肪によるニホンジカの栄養診断
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- A preliminary study on origin of Callosciurus squirrels introduced into Japan
- 奈良公園ニホンジカの初期死亡率の推定
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- 野生鳥獣の管理における有害駆除の問題点 (野生動物の保護を考える)
- III.討論会(第11回野兎研究会記録)
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- Food Habits of the Masked Palm Civet, Paguma larvata HAMILTON-SMITH
- P27 学内QR植物園化計画(研究発表(ポスター発表))