- 論文の詳細を見る
The 91st general meeting and a symposium were held at Seiwa University on Saturday, November 11, 1999. In the afternoon sessions of the symposium organized on the uniform theme, "Comprehensive Study of Administrative and Judicial Reforms, " three panelists presented their study reports on judicial reform, followed by two panelists who reported on their study of administrative reform and the session was concluded with a lively questions and answers period upon hearing these study reports. The symposium was cochaired by Mr.Hidehiko Kasahara(professor at Keio University)and me, Ono(professor at Daito Bunka University), and I chaired the session for judicial reform. Regarding the judicial reform, panelist Michihiko Yamaguchi from Nagoya Keizai University made a keynote speech on the theme, "A Concept and Task of Judicial Reform-Globalization and Market Economization of Justice"and as the conditions at issue in the discussion of judicial reform, he pointed out that the global deployment of multinational firms promoted globalization of a nation and a state transcending the norm of internal laws through WTO on the international level and stimulated relaxation of restrictions(lifting of controls)as a fundamental reform factor of legislative, judicial, administrative and educational systems on the national level and on the basis of understanding that the globalization through WTO, in particular, emasculated the internal judicial system, and even the constitutional system of each country, he maintained that the paradigm in the discussion of"Judicial Reform"which had become lively since last year was taken excessively in a narrow sense. Then, panelist Hidejiro Ishida from Kinki University made a speech on the subject of"Judicial Reform-Focusing on the Propriety of Introduction of the System for the Unification of the Legal Profession, " beginning with a question of why we need judicial reform, particularly, the unification of the legal profession now and giving a general explanation of the history of the argument on the unification of the legal profession, purpose and concept of the system and the direction of the reform and then posed a question as to the propriety and spelled out the directiveness for each of the connections with universities(the concept of a law school), judicial training system, judge training system, the jury system/trial participation system. Lastly, panelist Tamotsu Saegusa from Nagoya Gakuin University made a report on the theme, "Judicial Reform and Training and Education for the Legal Profession, " in connection with the training and education for the legal profession which is important as a human substructure of judicial reform. He stated that the expansion, diversification and internationalization of social functions of the judicial system at the present day brought about the diversification and multiplication of legal problems and disputes resulting in the increase not only of the number of lawsuits but also of the requirement for legal services out of court, that the small judicial system of our country was not capable to cope with such social conditions and therefore the increase of the legal profession population as a"judicial reform"was of urgent necessity and at the same time the increase of financial aid to the legal relief system from the state was also indispensable. For the foregoing study reports by three panelists, panelist Yamaguchi was questioned by panelist Kotaku Ishido(Chukyo University)about the former's indication that the paradigm in the discussion of judicial reform was taken excessively in a narrow sense and then by panelist Haruo Goto(Nihon University)about the present condition of WTO's dispute mediation system and its influence on the judicial reform. Panelist Ishida was quesioned by panelist Shozo Kobayashi(Meijo University)who maintained that the image of a judge entertained in the discussion on the unification of the legal profession would require the change of the existing image o
- 日本法政学会の論文
- 2000-05-15
- 生殖補助医療の問題(シンポジウム「生命倫理をめぐる法政上の諸問題-法整備における制度設計をめぐって-」)
- 生殖補助医療と民法 (原田賢司教授古稀記念号 労働、経営と法に関する諸問題) -- (国家と法)
- アメリカにおける生殖医療の現状--同性愛者の人工授精・卵子提供・体外受精およびそれらの家族を中心に (特集 生殖医療の現状と将来)
- 長与専斎と「衛生意見」の意義
- 『歴代天皇総覧 : 皇位はどう継承されたか』
- 長与専斎の医療改革とアメリカ衛生行政
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- シンポジウム「行政・司法改革の総合的研究」
- 近代日本における衛生行政の変容 : 「十九年の噸挫」 の実相
- 樺太問題と対露外交
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- 日本の官僚文化
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- 弔辞(1)
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- 大東文化大学法科大学院の創立と特色
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- アメリカ連邦議会におけるヒト・クローニング論争と生命・倫理・法をめぐる諸問題 (阿部竹松教授古稀記念号 社会科学の課題と展望)
- 世界の家事調停の傾向(下)特に最近の世界会議を参考にして
- 世界の家事調停の傾向--特に最近の世界会議を参考にして(中)
- 時報サロン 家族法の話題(7)アメリカ連邦議会におけるヒト・クローニング論争--生命と倫理と法をめぐって
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- 時報サロン 家族法の話題(5)ヒト胚の研究とクローニング--ヒト・クローン子の親子関係
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- 世界の家事調停の傾向--特に最近の世界会議を参考にして(上)
- 時報サロン 家族法の話題(4)物権の変動--農地所有権の移転時期
- 時報サロン 家族法の話題(3)代理母--アメリカ各州の法規制と世界の動き、そこには緩和の兆しが見える
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- 世界の家事調停の傾向--特に最近の世界会議を参考にして
- バブル崩壊後の民法
- 司法改革ウォッチング 連合法科大学院の構想--その問題点と解決方法
- 婚約の不当破棄と相手方の保護
- 意見&資料 司法制度改革--連携・連合型法科大学院構想の概要
- 海外ニュース 最近の韓国の司法事情--家庭法改正案を国会に提出
- これからの家族法--日米比較において結婚と離婚のこれからの家族法を語る
- 海外ニュ-ス(南アフリカ)
- 代理母と親子関係
- 人工生殖における親子関係
- 日本における難民の現状と人権
- それは、"ボォレ ダァ" で始まった : 国際家族法学会第8回世界会議 (統一テーマ・国境を越えた家族) に出席して
- カリフォルニア州における離婚法の傾向と発展 : 無責離婚法の導入とその問題点
- 政治倫理と民商法 : シンポジウム「政治倫理」についての若干のコメント
- シンポジウム「男と女……平等原理をめぐる法政上の諸問題」について
- 対談 : 新設される特別養子制度の問題点を語る
- 弔辞 (水田義雄先生追悼号)
- 家族間不法行為--損害賠償請求の可否とその範囲
- 不法占拠者と登記
- 法定地上権に関する一考察--主として土地の抵当権者が抵当権設定後に建物が築造されることをあらかじめ承諾した場合と法定地上権の成否について
- 日本の医療と医療行政の歴史的推移 (特集 日本の医療のゆくえ)
- 他人の子を養子とする意図でした虚偽の嫡出子出生届と養子縁組の成否
- 滅失した建物と登記請求権
- フランスにおける自動車損害賠償制度の欠陥と改正案
- 家族間における個人の諸権利
- 相続人の二重資格に関する試論
- 親族間の不法行為と自賠責保険-1-
- 財産分与--その沿革と立法過程